Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Assignment 8: Animation

As an introduction to animation we will be using a free online animation program.  Shapeshifter has a very simple interface and uses only 4 geometric shapes to create your animations.  To get accustomed to the program you will be first required to create a bouncing ball.  Below, you will find a video tutorial that can be used as a guide.  You can also use the tutorial to see what the final bouncing ball should look like and then go it on your own!!
* You must create an account on aniboom for you to be able to save your work as the animations are saved online. 

Once you have completed the bouncing ball project you will need to show me. I will then instruct you to the second part of the assignment (aprox. a 100 frame animation). Check out Mika D's aniboom projects here for some amazing examples of what you can do!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Assignment 7: Obama-sized

Go through the following tutorial to create your own Obama-esq advertisement.
Things you need before you start the tutorial:

1.  The tutorial itself.
2.  This pattern file.
3. You must take an acutal picture with an actual camera for this project... no Google, no Facebook, no Tumblr, just your own mad photo taking skills!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Assignment 6: Illustrator 3D Rendering

For this assignment you will be using Illustrator, NOT Photoshop!    Where is Illustrator you ask?
Click on the start button -> click on all programs -> Adobe Design Premium CS4 -> Adobe Illustrator.

When illustrator opens, be sure to click on "new print document"

3D Bowl of Apples Tutorial

Self Assessment:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Assignment 3: Custom Text

Custom text is what often completes a Photoshop project.  For this tutorial you will have to save the background found below to your m-drive and also download the tutorial.